<% 'Set the response buffer to true as we maybe redirecting and setting a cookie Response.Buffer = true 'Make sure this page is not cached Response.Expires = -1 Response.ExpiresAbsolute = Now() - 2 Response.AddHeader "pragma","no-cache" Response.AddHeader "cache-control","private" Response.CacheControl = "No-Store" Dim checkURLQuery checkURLQuery = formatURLFilter(Request.ServerVariables("QUERY_STRING")) %> <% Dim productssection : productssection = clng(Request.QueryString("catid")) Dim sqlquery if productssection = 1 then gallerySection = "Kaizen Tools" sqlquery = "Select Distinct CategoryId From tbl_Kaizenint_Products Where ProductSection = 'Kaizen Tools' and trashed=0 ORDER BY CategoryId;" elseif productssection = 2 then gallerySection = "Kaizen Equipments" sqlquery = "Select Distinct CategoryId From tbl_Kaizenint_Products Where ProductSection = 'Kaizen Equipments' and trashed=0 ORDER BY CategoryId;" elseif productssection = 3 then gallerySection = "Kaizen Technology" sqlquery = "Select Distinct CategoryId From tbl_Kaizenint_Products Where ProductSection = 'Kaizen Technology' and trashed=0 ORDER BY CategoryId;" elseif productssection = 4 then gallerySection = "Kaizen International" sqlquery = "Select Distinct CategoryId From tbl_Kaizenint_Products Where ProductSection = 'Kaizen International' and trashed=0 ORDER BY CategoryId;" else sqlquery = "Select Distinct CategoryId From tbl_Kaizenint_Products Where ProductSection = 'Kaizen Tools' and trashed=0 ORDER BY CategoryId;" end if rs.Open "Select * From tbl_Kaizenint_Products Where ProductSection = '"&gallerySection&"' and trashed=0;", objconn, 3, 2 if not rs.Eof then Galleryrecords = rs.recordcount while not rs.eof ProductTitle = rs("ProductTitle") ProductImage1 = rs("ProductImage1") if ProductImage1 <> "" then gi = gi + 1 gii = gii + 1 if gii = 1 then Gallery = Gallery & "
" end if Gallery = Gallery & "" if gii = 3 then Gallery = Gallery & "
" gii = 0 end if if gi = rs.recordcount then Gallery = Gallery & "" end if end if if gi = 9 then rs.movelast end if rs.movenext Wend else end if rs.Close %> Manufacturers of Pharmaceutical Machinery and Pharmaceutical Equipments
Pharmaceutical Machinery Manufacturers and Exporters  
<%if productssection = 1 then%>Kaizen Tooling Technology<%end if%> <%if productssection = 2 then%>Kaizen Equipments<%end if%> <%if productssection = 3 then%>Kaizen Technology<%end if%> <%if productssection = 4 then%>Kaizen International<%end if%>
<% 'Dim currentpage 'Dim rowcount 'Dim ct ' ' 'Const adOpenForwardOnly = 0 'Const adLockReadOnly = 1 'Const adCmdTableDirect = &H0200 'Const adUseClient = 3 ' 'currentpage = trim(request.QueryString("page")) ' 'if currentpage = "" then ' currentpage = 1 'end if ' 'rs.CursorLocation = adUseClient rs.Open sqlquery, objconn, 3, 2 if not rs.eof then ' rs.PageSize = 10 ' rs.absolutepage = cint(currentpage) ' totalPages = rs.PageCount ' TotalRecords = rs.RecordCount ' TotalPageSize = rs.PageSize ' rowcount = 0 ' if cint(currentpage) = 1 then ' ct = 0 ' elseif cint(currentpage) >1 then ' ct= ((cint(currentpage) - 1 ) * 10) ' end if %> <% '
' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' '
<%response.Write("Page : " ¤tpage& " of " & totalPages) %'> <%ps = getPaginationString(Clng(currentpage), TotalRecords, TotalPageSize, 1, "products1.asp?i=1&catid="&productstoshow) 'Response.Write(ps)%'>
    <% dim inext : inext = 0 while not rs.eof 'and rowcount < rs.pagesize ct = ct + 1 id = ProductId = CategoryId = ProductsTitle = SubCategoryTitle = CategoryTitle = "" ' id = rs("ProductId") CategoryId = rs("CategoryId") ' ProductSection = rs("ProductSection") ' ProductTitle = rs("ProductTitle") ' if rs("ProductDetails") <> "" then ' ProductDetails = getWords(18,rs("ProductDetails")) & "..." ' else ' ProductDetails = "(no details)" ' end if ' ProductImage1 = rs("ProductImage1") if ISEmpty(CategoryId) = false then if IsNumeric(CategoryId) then rs2.Open "Select * From tbl_Kaizenint_Category Where CategoryId="&Clng(CategoryId)&" and trashed=0;", objconn, 3, 2 if not rs2.eof then CategoryTitle = rs2("CategoryTitle") else CategoryTitle = "---" end if rs2.Close else CategoryTitle = "---" end if else CategoryTitle = "---" end if %>
  • <%= CategoryTitle%>

  • <% rowcount = rowcount + 1 rs.movenext wend %>
<%= Gallery%>

Coming Soon
<%end if%>
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